Control Integration and SOX Compliance
Our internal control specialists strive to customize a review or an audit of your internal control or, maybe information technology function and recommend third party products, which meet ongoing compliance requirements.
Each of Panasoft's hand picked professionals has extensive knowledge and experience in dealing with internal control and information technology issues, which affect companies in many industries.
Panasoft is skilled in designing and performing reviews and audits based on your requirement, whether they are from a broad-based spectrum or whether they are focused in content.
Controls Review Services for New Acquisitions
Where management has concerns about controls in a newly acquired business or new system development, Panasoft identifies and pinpoints problem areas, thereby providing assurances that they have been adequately addressed. This is generally executed as part of a wider process improvement exercise.
In today's business environment, an effective system of internal control is more important than ever. Panasoft affords a full range of services designed to assist both public and private companies with designing, implementing, maintaining, and evaluating their internal controls.